Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Pieces of Sunshine

Apparently my last post left my sweet husband feeling a little worried about me.  I'd be lying if I said he was without reason, but my intention was not to write a depressing post or make people worry. That wasn't necessarily the tone I was shooting for, so this post is intentionally completely different.

Despite the unexpected rain storms that drift in an out of my life, there are these beautiful little rays of sunlight the trickle in through those menacing gray clouds.  As the light filters through, the darkness seems to melt away so gently that it is nearly impossible to decipher the moment that the darkness disappears and only the light remains.

After my last post, we experienced a series of miracles.  Blessing that I can only attribute to the Big Man upstairs.  We have been humbled and my heart is overflowing with gratitude. So this post is about some of my favorite little rays of sunshine.

First, my brightest ray of light, just happens to be my amazing hubby and he deserves a GIANT shout out (from the roof tops).  This handsome, studly man of mine inspires and lifts me everyday.  He has a will and determination that is unparalleled. He is a dreamer. I am a realist.  The combination hasn't always worked cohesively but, over the years, I've learned that if this man puts his mind to something- he MAKES IT HAPPEN.  He lives and breaths the motto "Go big, or go home" and I'm the first to tell you- he's not the one "going home."

Our little family was faced with numerous BIG decisions and stresses over the last few months and this guy was carrying the majority of the burden around with him (so well that I didn't realize how hard it was for him).

Then came the miracles.

Kel hadn't been feeling well for a while and I had finally convinced him to go to the doctor.  Several tests later, he was put on a blood pressure medication and a sleep study was ordered, along with a few other interventions.

He came home discouraged, but determined.  A few days later, he decided to enter an nation wide body transformation challenge put on by Bodybuilding.com.  True to form. he dove in with both feet.

Meanwhile, after spending the last year clawing our way out of debt and finally being debt free (other than our mortgages) Kel's car decided to give up the ghost just days after we had put nearly all of our tax return and liquid assets into a CD as the beginning of our down payment for our next home.  I felt heartbroken, but Kel, always the optimist, charged forward and began comparing options.

To add to the craziness, the company that my incredible hubby works for had been talking to him about a promotion for over a year and just when it would start to feel like a reality, something would happen and the reality would get pushed back into the background.  I think we were both feeling discouraged but the pressure was really starting to crush my positive guy.  Just before the car fiasco, Kel had a discussion with the companies VP and was told that the promotion was still in to works but that is would NOT happen this year.  I was devastated. Kel seemed content with a realistic timeline.  I buried my frustration and put on my happy face and we trudged forward.

Kel poured his focus and strength into changing his entire lifestyle.  He began getting up at 4am to go to the gym before work and completely changed his diet. He began  learning about what to eat and how to exercise to accomplish his goals.  I revamped our eating habits at home.  HUGE changes started to happen.  1 week in he was able to completely stop using the blood pressure medication and was feeling a difference in his overall health.  I really enjoyed the opportunity to use some of my education to help him with fitness and nutrition and we worked together to shape his goals (let me be clear, HE did it- I just tired to help and support where I could).

His transformation has been incredible!!!! He is keeping his before and after pictures under pretty tight wraps until the competition is over but I can't wait to share them.  He is seriously my hero!

We were walking yesterday and he kept asking why I was staring at him.  I said I wasn't staring. Seriously though, I have always thought I married a very attractive man, but DARN he looks GOOOOOOD!  I almost don't want to let him leave the house for fear women will start chasing him down (Stay back-he's taken ;) ).

Even with all the stress and craziness, he stayed on track, he carved out time to be the amazing dad that he is to our babies, took time for me, and he solved our car woes, while putting in extra hours at work.

Then came an even bigger surprise/blessing. Through a completely incredible/unbelievable/unimaginable series of events, his promotion materialized. . . only just a couple weeks after being told it would be at least a year.

It is a BIG deal for so many reasons.  The man that I love more than I could have ever dreamed, started with this company 4 years ago without and education, without much experience in the entry level position he was hired for, and in those 4 short years he has had 3 major promotions.

With this promotion, he traded in his cargo pants and work boots for slacks and dress shoes.
It didn't come without blood, sweat, and tears.  It didn't come without late nights, early mornings, hard work, and a fiery determination.

All I've wanted to do from the moment I found out was shout it from the roof tops and sky write it through the clouds while my humble, mild husband didn't tell anyone. He just went about life with a prayer of gratitude and the attitude that he didn't want to bring attention to himself.  Oh, how I love and admire him.  He is my brightest light, melting away clouds of darkness and despair, and I can't hardly contain how overwhelmingly proud I am of him!

My life is full of precious slivers of sunlight and as I sit here trying to convey the explosive feelings in my heart, I feel left without adequate words.

I've made some big goals and am working towards making some big changes over the next year. I'm excited for the opportunity to share some of those things here.  I'm going to share the things that I'm passionate about, the things I love, and the things I feel like I'm learning.  Big things are happening and the rain has taken a break for now :).


  1. I love reading your blog post, you're so honest in your writing. So many blog posts are only about the ups in life. I am so excited for your family with all of the fun changes that have been happening.

    1. Thank you!! I really really appreciate your kind words. I hope you are doing well!!
